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The Floris Elementary School Touching Heart young philanthropists pose with the posters they made to describe their experiences in the workshop where they made contact with orphans in Kenya, made sandwiches for the homeless and scarves for kids in foster care in Fairfax County. Coach Meg Chow [back row] tried, but things get a bit hectic at the end and the spell-out of “Kids on a Mission” just a bit jumbled - but still good-hearted.

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Tease photo

Teaching Empathy at Floris

Floris students complete 8-week young philanthropists workshop.

At 8:15 a.m. on a drizzly Thursday morning, fifteen youngsters from the fourth, fifth and sixth grades at Floris Elementary School in Herndon gathered in the school’s “Little Theater” to receive certificates for the successful completion of their 8-week Touching Heart (TH) young philanthropists workshop.


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