Opinion: Letter to the Editor: Facing State Tax Increase

Opinion: Letter to the Editor: Facing State Tax Increase

During my time as a member of the House of Delegates I have worked to solve problems for my constituents, from fixing potholes to finding solutions on transportation in order to improve the quality of life for the people I serve and it has been my honor.

In this 2019 session of the House of Delegates, I’ve introduced legislation to tackle one of the biggest issues facing middle class families in Northern Virginia – taxes.

Due to our state’s tax laws and recent changes in the federal tax code,many of our families in Northern Virginia, through no fault of their own, will be facing a significant increase in their state taxes. For example, absent legislative action, a newly married teacher and police officer who just purchased a home, could possibly end up paying more than $800 in higher taxes. I firmly believe this is wrong and it is whyI introduced HB 2529.

My bill contains three important provisions for middle class taxpayers that will ensure they keep more of their hard-earned money. First, you will be able to itemize your taxes regardless of whether you took the standard deduction on your federal taxes or vice versa. Second, it doubles the standard deduction. Third, it does not cap state and local taxes protecting homeowners from another hidden tax increase. Governor Northam proposes to keep your money and overwhelmingly increase the size of Virginia's government. I see things differently. You should decide how to spend the money from your wallet, not Richmond. Even after providing our hard-working teachers, first responders, and other blue-collar workers with tax relief, the state will still have more money for education, transportation and other key services than it did last year.

As your delegate in Richmond, my office is always available at (703) 815-1201 or DelTHugo@house.virginia.gov.

Del. Tim Hugo (R-40) Clifton